How to Collect, Display, and Celebrate Hiking Patches

hiking patches

What To Do With Hiking Patches?

  1. Display hiking patches on a patch board or in a shadow box
  2. Use patches to create a quilt or wall hanging to celebrate your hikes
  3. Make jewelry, such as earrings or necklaces, from hiking patches
  4. Donate patches to organizations for fundraising purposes
  5. Join online communities dedicated to trading and exchanging hiking patches with other hikers.

Have you ever wanted to collect hiking patches as a way to commemorate your journeys? Or perhaps you’ve seen other hikers proudly displaying their patches and wondered how you could join in on the fun? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to collect, display, and celebrate hiking patches.

We’ll discuss the different types of patches available, how to store and display them, and how to make collecting patches a rewarding and enjoyable experience. We’ll also provide some ideas for how to celebrate the patches you’ve collected, so you can share your triumphs with friends and family. So, let’s get started on our journey to collecting, displaying, and celebrating hiking patches!

Types of Hiking Patches

Hiking patches are a great way to commemorate your outdoor adventures and show off the places you’ve ventured. There are many different types of patches available, each one catering to a different hiking style or interest. Some popular types of patches include those that commemorate a hike, a mountain summit, a national park, or a long-distance trail. Patches can also be designed to reflect the type of terrain you’ve explored, such as snow-capped mountains, rocky paths, and lush forests. Other patches may be designed to represent a particular outdoor activity, such as rock climbing, camping, or kayaking.

List of Some Types of Collectible Hiking Patches:

  1. National Park patches – patches featuring the names or logos of national parks
  2. Trail patches – patches representing specific hiking trails, such as the Appalachian Trail or the Pacific Crest Trail
  3. State or regional patches – patches representing a particular state or region, such as the Colorado Rockies or the Adirondack Mountains
  4. Summit patches – patches representing a specific mountain summit, such as Mount Kilimanjaro or Mount Everest
  5. Distance patches – patches earned for completing a certain distance, such as a 100-mile hike or a thru-hike of a long-distance trail
  6. Achievement patches – patches earned for completing a certain hiking achievement, such as hiking all the peaks in a certain range or completing a section hike of a long-distance trail.
  7. Event patches – patches earned for participating in a specific hiking event, such as a charity hike or a wilderness cleanup.
  8. Historical patches – patches representing historical events or landmarks along a hiking trail, such as the Oregon Trail or the Revolutionary War Trail.
  9. Organization patches – patches representing hiking organizations or clubs, such as the Appalachian Mountain Club or the Sierra Club.
  10. Personalized patches – patches that can be customized with personal information, such as a hiker’s name or the date of a particular hike.
  11. Collectible patches – patches that are highly sought after by collectors, such as vintage patches from previous decades or limited edition patches released by certain organizations.
  12. Humorous patches – patches featuring humorous sayings or images related to hiking, such as “I’d rather be hiking” or “Not all who wander are lost.”
  13. Wildlife patches – patches featuring images of wildlife that can be found along hiking trails, such as bears, deer, or birds.
  14. Weather patches – patches representing hikes that were completed in specific weather conditions, such as patches earned for completing a hike in the rain or snow.
  15. Environmental patches – patches representing a particular environmental cause or initiative, such as Leave No Trace or environmental conservation efforts.
  16. Cultural patches – patches representing cultural landmarks or events along a hiking trail, such as indigenous cultural sites or traditional festivals.
  17. Charity patches – patches representing charitable causes or organizations that are supported through hiking, such as cancer research or poverty alleviation.
  18. Adventure patches – patches that represent a specific adventure or challenge, such as a multi-day backpacking trip or a winter summit hike.

No matter what type of patch you choose, it’s important to select one that reflects your individual style and interests. That way, you can be proud to display your patch and celebrate your accomplishments. For example, if you’re a hiker who loves to explore remote trails, then you may want to look for a patch that features an image of the trail you’ve conquered. On the other hand, if you’re an experienced traveler looking to capture the beauty of different landscapes, then a patch featuring a scenic landscape might be the perfect choice. Ultimately, the type of patch you choose should reflect your unique style and passions.

Choosing the Right Hiking Patches

The first step in collecting hiking patches is to choose the right ones. There are a few things to consider when selecting patches:

  1. Location: Choose patches from places you have hiked or places you plan to hike in the future. This will make your collection more meaningful and serve as a visual reminder of the places you have been.
  2. Design: Look for patches with unique and interesting designs. The patch should represent the location or trail and be visually appealing.
  3. Quality: Choose patches made from high-quality materials that will last a long time. Avoid patches that are cheaply made or poorly stitched.
  4. Rarity: Consider collecting patches that are hard to find or limited edition. These patches will add value to your collection and be more unique.

Collecting and Storing Your Patches

Collecting hiking patches can be a great way to commemorate your adventures and remember your travels. Before you start collecting, it’s important to first decide on what type of patches you want to collect. Some hikers may prefer to collect patches from their local trails, while others may want to collect patches from across the world. Either way, it’s important to decide what type of patches you want to collect before getting started.

How to Get Hiking Patches?

1. Keep a lookout for patches from national parks, state parks, and other hiking destinations that you visit. Many gift shops and visitor centers sell patches as souvenirs.

2. Join hiking clubs or organizations that offer patches as part of their membership benefits or rewards for completing certain hikes or challenges.

3. Participate in hiking events or fundraisers that offer patches as a form of recognition or commemoration.

4.Online Retailers: There are many online retailers that specialize in hiking patches. A quick internet search can yield a variety of options for patches related to specific trails, regions, or outdoor activities.

Displaying Your Hiking Patches

Once you have collected a few hiking patches, it’s time to display them. There are several ways to showcase your collection, including:

  1. Sewing: One popular method is to sew the patches onto a backpack or jacket. This is a great way to display your collection while out on the trail.
  2. Framing: Another option is to frame the patches and hang them on the wall. This is a great way to create a visually stunning display that will impress visitors to your home.
  3. Shadow Box: A shadow box is a great way to display patches, pins, and other memorabilia from your hikes. It’s a great option if you have a lot of items to display.
  4. Bulletin Board: A bulletin board is a simple and easy way to display your patches. Simply pin them onto the board and hang it on the wall.
  5. Quilt: For a unique and cozy way to display your patches, consider making a quilt. This is a great way to keep your patches together in one place and make something that you can use.

Finding and Buying Patches

Finding and buying patches is easy. You can buy official patches from brands that make hiking apparel, online stores that sell patches, and even eBay. There are also community groups and forums dedicated to trading and selling patches. You can join these groups to find rare and hard-to-find patches, or just to expand your collection. You can also find patches at outdoor stores and flea markets. If you are willing to get creative, you can even make your own patches.

Making Collecting Patches Enjoyable

Collecting patches can be an enjoyable hobby for hikers of all levels. It’s a fun way to commemorate your travels, and there are a variety of patches to choose from. You can choose patches based on their design, the place or event they commemorate, or simply the story they tell. There are even patches that can be customized with your name or specific trail/route information.

Ways to Celebrate Hiking Patches

Hiking patches are a great way to commemorate your hiking accomplishments and show off your love of the outdoors. Here are a few ways to celebrate your hiking patches:

  1. Display them on a backpack or jacket: Sew your hiking patches onto your favorite backpack or jacket to create a personalized display of your hiking achievements.
  2. Create a patch display: Use a piece of fabric, corkboard, or a shadow box to create a display for your hiking patches. Arrange them in a way that highlights your favorite hikes or create a timeline of your hiking adventures.
  3. Share on social media: Share a photo of your patch collection on social media to inspire your friends and followers to get outside and explore.
  4. Plan a hike to celebrate: Choose a new hike to celebrate each time you earn a new patch. Make it a special occasion by packing a picnic lunch, bringing along friends, or trying a new trail.
  5. Organize a patch swap: Connect with other hikers and organize a patch swap event. This is a fun way to trade patches, meet new people, and learn about new trails.

Remember, hiking patches are a reminder of your personal accomplishments and should be celebrated in a way that feels meaningful to you.


By following these tips, you can ensure your hiking patches are properly collected, stored, and displayed. This way, you can proudly show off all the patches you’ve collected from your journeys. With the right approach, collecting patches can become a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

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